Furniture with a Minimalist Approach for Multifunctional Solutions

Furniture with a Minimalist Approach for Multifunctional Solutions

In a valley rich in history, architectural and artistic presence, surrounded by the greenery of nature, a young family has discovered the perfect solution to optimize the spaces. Through innovative design, the focus has been on the living area, utilizing minimal and multifunctional furniture to create an open, bright, and versatile environment.

kitchen entrance and multifunctional stairs


Integrated into a fitted wall, the kitchen embodies the essence of minimal. With a palette of light colors and the use of natural materials, it provides everything needed without burdening the space. The laminated natural oak wood countertop recalls the external wooded environment and accommodates a modern black granite sink and a induction hob.

The choice of matte white MDF for the kitchen base and refrigerator column, along with ceiling tiles, contributes to maintaining a clean and luminous aesthetic. The light and variegated gray ceramic floor complete the welcoming atmosphere, ensuring ease of maintenance and cleaning, harmonizing with the materials and colors of the house. 

minimal kitchen
details kitchen top
details kitchen top


A light staircase in front of the kitchen serves a dual purpose. Besides connecting the living area to the sleeping area, it has been designed with a structure of modular equipped wood and metal, making it both aesthetic and functional.

It houses shaped drawers that provide additional storage space, avoiding the wall unit to the kitchen for maintaining a light and minimal appearance while providing all the necessary storage space in an unexpected location.

Here’s another example of a staircase solution equipped with drawers.

lateral stairs with drawers
drawers from the top
details drawers
shaped drawes


The living area is designed with careful attention to internal flows related to space utilization. A laminated oak wood dining table, coordinated with the kitchen countertop, accommodates 4 to 6 diners and is positioned in a passageway between the kitchen and the living room. It is convenient and non-intrusive.

Upon entering the living area, the eye is drawn to a free-standing sofa against the wall with a slim high shelf in white lacquered sheet metal, contributing to maintaining a sense of openness and lightness. The frontal TV cabinet, acting as a partition between the kitchen and the living room and supporting the staircase, is an example of well-thought-out storage and organization element. Shaped on the steps, it contains well-studied doors and shelves, utilizing every available centimeter. A true demonstration of how minimalism can be functional. 

kitchen living room dining table
minimal living room
Tv cabinet open and close
lighted cabinet
lightweight sheet metal shelf


In conclusion, the entire apartment is an example of how multifunctional furnishings with a minimalistic spirit can optimize spaces without weighing them down. The most storage-intensive elements are integrated into the staircase support, while the upper part, thanks to glass handrails, rises transparent and luminous.

Everything around this central monolith of furnishings is essential, allowing to enjoy an airy, bright, tidy, and aesthetically satisfying environment. Living in a compact space does not imply sacrificing comfort and style.

Here’s another example of a minimal multifunctional apartment.

Modern White Kitchen: The Elegance of Urban Minimalism

Modern White Kitchen: The Elegance of Urban Minimalism

In the heart of an urban setting, where modernity meets practicality, a kitchen has emerged that embodies the essence of contemporary design. This modern and white kitchen stretches across two sides, captivating the imagination with its timeless elegance and impeccable functionality.

total white kitchen


The kitchen has been conceived to optimize space and address the challenges posed by an out-of-square old wall. Based on the project of Arch.Haidy Nicotera, on one side, columns of varying depths have been created, providing space for refrigerators, ovens, and spacious shelves. These columns also feature doors that conceal practical pantries and a small storage area, contributing to maintaining order and cleanliness in the environment. These columns have been harmoniously enclosed by a suspended ceiling that completes the modern and minimalist look.

column overture

On the opposite side, the kitchen takes on a lighter feel, with a base that follows the wall’s profile and tapers with an oblique cut to reach the French doors. Here, the oblique silhouette of the kitchen becomes a prominent aesthetic detail. The lower cabinet door, in particular, follows the countertop’s design with clean lines and offers internal shelving for small useful items. The wall cabinets, on the other hand, remain linear, with internal shelves and upward-opening, high-performance aventos. They are also backlit, adding a touch of light and style to the environment.

kitchen overture


The choice was immediately directed towards a “Total White” palette. All components, from the furniture to the work surfaces, are crafted in matte white lacquered MDF, creating a clean and luminous effect. The Krion countertop, also in an optical white, blends seamlessly with the rest of the environment. The only exception, where a hint of color remains, is found in the rear of the kitchen, where a slightly veined gray tile adds a contrasting touch to the surrounding light colors.

top details
details door
aventos detail

The kitchen’s shell, like most of our creations, is made of melamine-faced chipboard. This material embodies functionality and durability, being resistant to both scratches and aggressive detergents.

 shaped door
internal shelves
 dustbin drawer

Here are two more all-white kitchens, a delicate corner kitchen, and a modern kitchen with a peninsula and a snack bar for guests.


At the heart of this modern white kitchen, as planned, a central round table will be positioned to accommodate 6 to 8 diners and become the focal point of the space. Contrary to what one might think, this central element does not disrupt the workflow in the kitchen; it instead perfectly blends conviviality and comfort.

Indeed, thanks to meticulous planning of internal flows, cooking from one side of the kitchen to the other is seamless and convenient. The spaces have been carefully designed to maximize efficiency and practicality, ensuring that everything is within reach.

Furthermore, to add a touch of elegance to the space, a central chandelier will be installed, providing soft and focused illumination over the table.

project kitchen


This modern white kitchen is an extraordinary example of how the elegance of urban minimalism combines with intelligent solutions for space and materials management. It is a place where aesthetic beauty harmonizes with practicality. With its palette of light colors and well-thought-out design details, it is ready to inspire new projects.

lateral white kitchen

A Minimal Kitchen to optimize the living area

A Minimal Kitchen to optimize the living area

To optimize the available space, in a small two-room apartment in Milan, we have created this minimal, discreet, bright and elegant kitchen.

Minimal white Kitchen


As we wrote in this article dedicated to the Kitchen Snack Table, in contemporary kitchens the living area and the kitchen increasingly merge into a single open space.
There are no more partitions even at the entrance to the apartments, the door opens and everything we can have in a Living area is revealed in front of us.
So the kitchen, dining area and living room become a single room, just like in this article dedicated to a functional kitchen.
To give harmony to this triptych, the kitchen must therefore lose its “operative” spirit by hiding ladles, pots and groceries and becoming a more discreet element, which is revealed only when necessary.
Much more storage space and doors closed from view, while maintaining everything needed to cook, serve and enjoy food.

minimal kitchen lateral
minimal kitchen lateral


This kitchen, designed by Artecasa studio, optimize the most of the available space.
It develops in the niche of the side wall at the entrance with an equipped part and a front island that acts as an additional storage space and snack table for quick meals.
What can therefore be seen from the entrance are two horizontal gray stone floors, which develop parallel.

gray minimal kitchen countertops

In the equipped part in the niche there are all the appliances needed in a minimal kitchen: a refrigerator column, a dishwasher with a two-bowl sink, a hob with an oven and a tall microwave.
In the island, lots of storage space, drawers for cutlery, pots and crockery and the top that extends towards the living area becoming a snack top to accommodate at least 3 diners.

details drawers
The atmosphere is convivial, and the lights are skilfully designed to amplify this feeling of intimacy and warmth.
Three ceiling lights descend punctually on the Kitchen Snack Table, the backlit wall units remain at the service of the kitchen while a track with adjustable spotlights illuminates the relaxation area.
The colors are light and glow in the light from the large windows at the back of the room.
minimal kitchen lateral

On the ground a natural oak parquet that matches well with the gray veined stone chosen for the countertops and the back of the kitchen and the light-colored furniture.
Here another minimal Milanese kitchen with similar combinations.



As citizens of the world we have the opportunity to live in contact with nature and its luxuriant flora. We can immerse ourselves in a natural environment that is there, has always existed and can be found a stone’s throw from home or a half-day trip if we live in a large metropolis. But do we really know how to recognize all this greenery that surrounds us?

ingresso spazio Flo&s


In the municipality of Ranica an ambitious project was born by the municipal council. Lapping the Parco dei Colli with all its splendor and beauty, the Ranica hill starts from a significant height and slowly descends towards the Serio river. In this very diversified panorama, given by the difference of heights and climatic conditions, we have the opportunity to find a variety of flora that characterizes the different areas concerned. Born from the desire to promote and encourage territorial discovery, a public space dedicated to this was born in the historic center of the town of Ranica and near the ascent to the hill.


The FLO&S space (Flora and Underground) was born from the creative idea of ​​the architect Patrizia Berera, part of the Network of Botanical Gardens of Lombardy. Not far from our beloved Cartolibreria, it is located in the porch of via San Luigi in Ranica, an old renovated farmhouse in a foothill position. This has a raised access to the courtyard. Not being the multiplex space but developed for a long time as a large corridor, the project concept was able to optimize it by creating a sort of interactive path. Intended for a varied target, mainly school, it aims to show the various elements of flora and subsoil and to introduce their discovery through various communication methods.

entrace Floes space
back Floes space
Welcome to Flo&S Space


At the entrance, a walkway that cuts through the entire space guides the user inwards, making the visit even more immersive and evocative. This is made up of different types of stone and wood, the same ones that can be found, in their raw state, in the surrounding area. Among them, Zandobbio marble, Gré strain, cherry wood, oak and fir. The available walls have been divided into macro-areas:

space top view flora and subsoil

a top view of the hall with and the different exhibition areas.

The entrance was dedicated to welcoming and on the two sloping front walls a small text will explain the objectives and the meaning of the space. On the side, relevant information material are provided. After crossing this corridor, which narrows like a funnel, on the right side (called A) we find a long wall where there is a full-height illustration. Here, based on the elevation of the hill, it shows the species of trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants found in the local flora. This large panel illustrated by us (more details on this here) presents the silhouette of the tree or shrub, the flower and the fruit that allow its recognition and all the flowers and herbs on the ground. Beside the elements we have created small wooden boxes accessible to all for what is tactile communication. In fact, depending on the reference season, there will be flowers, leaves or fruits with which it will be possible to interact. In this way, you will have the perception of the roughness, the smell and the fragility or softness of the blooms that can be better recognized in an excursion on the hill.

illustrated panel
lateral panel
box details
illustrated panels with flowers
illustrated panels with flowers

In the lower part, on the other hand, there are equipped furniture, which can either act as a “teaching room” or as service furniture for the storage of goods dedicated to space. These low seating elements, also present in the other two spaces that we will illustrate shortly, have drawers or flap opening.

drawers and flaps
image details

In the second wall (called B) the interaction is not only active but also “creative“. At the user’s disposal there is a blackboard surface and chalks with which to draw the favorite flora element. On the side, however, a box acts as a container for magnets or herbarium, inside magnetic letters or botanical cards that go into the whole theoretical part of the images found in the illustrated wall. This slate can be multifunctional, or at the service of the box with botanical cards or even useful for notices or seasonal thematic updates.

side chalkboard drawing
magnetic whiteboard

On the third wall (called C), on the other hand, all the issues related to the subsoil are explored. Inside the showcase and on the shelves, common minerals of the area are displayed in their pure state. The left side of the showcase has been deliberately designed with a “variable trim“. This means that the shelves can change their position within the space or be removed completely.

wall subsoil notice board
mineral panel


Given the very neutral finishes of the space, which see a light gray stoneware floor and plastered walls in the same shade, our furnishings also wanted to be light and bright. Everything is white, with a wooden appeal in the display boxes. This is to let the images and the colorful central walkway be the protagonists of the space.

furniture neutral and light tones


The space will not only be a mirror of the Ranica’s flora but can also be used as an educational space for workshops and lessons. It will in fact be linked to some projects of the local school circuit. In anticipation of this we have created square tables that can extend, opening crosswise with hinges, to accommodate more users. These tables will be free to stop and arrange themselves, in time of need, with different arrangements. Useful as mobile displays, they will be stored in the small warehouse located at the entrance, mirroring the bathroom.

closed tables
open tables
multifunctional tables
disposition in space

here some proposals for the spatial arrangement of the open tables


Last weekend the FLO&S space was publicly inaugurated by the Mayor and the junta of Ranica. All the actors who have set up the space and will take care of it in the future have intervened. The donations of rare minerals have been substantial and make the space even more valuable. In addition, a list of events is already active starting from summer until next year. We can only encourage participation in events and trust that this space becomes an integral part of our community. Good luck Spazio FLO&S!

Ranica elevation relief
interactive whiteboard
rare minerals

Funeral House

Funeral House

The Funeral House was recently inaugurated in Bergamo, a solemn but at the same time intimate and delicate place, intended to give the last farewell to loved ones.

Funeral House entrance


The structure, built within the urban context, becomes a living and integral part of the community with its strong stylistic and architectural connotation.
Given the nature of the large spaces, the feelings transmitted are one of tranquility and protection, with lounges dedicated to meditation and sharing.

There is a Laical room and a Room for the ceremony for the delivery of the ashes and Private rooms.

Laical Room
Funeral House private room

The lighting plays a fundamental role, it comes both from the outside, slightly obscured by smoked glass, and from the inside, expertly designed so that it is punctual but not excessive.
Round ceiling lights in the corridor part are flanked by sophisticated design chandeliers at the entrance and in the rooms.
All the light is dimmable to ensure that moments of wakefulness and intimacy are distinguished from others as the day progresses.

light details
ceiling wall lighting

Onyx-effect tiles are the material protagonists of the environment, covering most of the full-height walls.
These are combined with the soft gray stoneware on the floor and the dove-gray upholstery for the Laical Room.
The decorative fil rouge of all the rooms is walnut declined in the form of floor-to-ceiling slats. These are found in different points of the structure, marking its visual rhythms.

Funeral House entrance

A dedicated space has been created for children with a library made up of titles selected by Ursula Gruner for age groups.
This sweet thought for the little ones can be a valuable help to accompany them in understanding the importance of that moment.

space for children
books for childrens


We took care of some of the furnishing elements of this imposing structure.
Mainly of the two executive offices, whose goal is to make them operational and functional while maintaining overall elegance and a sense of lightness.
Since the entire Funeral House is very characterized in terms of elements, colors and materials, a very neutral project was opted for.
In fact, the furniture, which has the same delicate color as the walls, disappears inside the two rooms and serves only as a logistical support.

big office

Doors and drawers hide folders, files and all the bureaucratic aspect of the structure, leaving only two light tables with a bronze structure in sight.
Here is another example of an office with a similar table structure but in stainless steel finish.
In the smaller office, the furniture from the niches develops in an equipped lateral extension that reaches the table, remaining at its side with a chest of drawers and internal shelves available.
The piece of furniture where the desk rests can be accessed from the side, next to another tall shelf unit.

 small vertical studio funeral house
smal studio lateral
details corner

In the second office, larger than the previous one, the furniture is developed in a U shape, using the niche of the large window as the largest equipped surface.
Here, in the center, there are drawers and doors with internal shelves, while the two side becomes an extension and display case for small marble objects and cinerary urns.
The representative table with bronze painted iron structure and medium gray top in Linoleum is positioned exactly under the spot lighting from the ceiling.

big office
details expo
details table bronze funeral house

Inside the Private rooms, small storage cabinets equip the room without visually invading it.

drawer units in the funeral house niche
drawer units in the farewell house niche

The consoles and tables of the rooms are based on our design, which have been skillfully made in painted folded sheet metal. The design concept was to obtain a light, load-bearing and unobtrusive structure. The console features two side legs with an inverted X structure, in which the narrow rectangular section of the structure changes its axis and is combined with the wide one. This allows for visual movement by varying the perspective of the element. An elegant slab of onyx-effect stoneware has been recessed into the top of the console, on which the Book of signatures will be placed. The same structure, combined with two “cross” side defines the low tables. The base of the latter recall the one of the consoles while the top is made in a round and thin sheet metal. As the color of both a slightly bronzed dark brown, which recalls the fixtures and finishes of the structure.

leg's console
consolle lateral


The presentation of the Casa del Commiato was also innovative and interesting. The first access to the public was in fact crowned by a short but intense exhibition, Wish You Were Here. Here the works of 23 artists dealt with a delicate theme such as death, in empty and not yet furnished rooms. “An intimate and spiritual journey of the analysis of absence but also an attempt to crystallize and make eternal that extraordinary emotional tension that originates from the pain of loss, transforming it into a regenerating force. Through the powerful connotation of the place, the artists’ works resonate with the themes of infinity, beyond, melancholy, tension and desire, ensuring that even a painful concept such as absence can become a positive engine of creative production “. (cit. Gabriele Salvaterra) In the Laical Room an installation by Noemi Mirata shows a dying body give way to a new plant life, which rises upwards. On the back screen a video of Elisabetta di Sopra in which the gestures in caring for a life that is born and one that goes are repeated.

Noemi Mirata, La fisica dell’oltre Elisabetta Di Sopra, THE CARE

In the front La fisica dell’oltre Noemi Mirata. Video installation Elisabetta Di Sopra, THE CARE 

At the center of the large corridor is the work of Martina Cioffi made of raku ceramic. The sculpture tends to evoke a powerful nature, mixed animal and vegetable, creative and fruitful.

Martina Cioffi, Shape-shifting #1
Martina Cioffi, Shape-shifting #1

Martina Cioffi, Shape-shifting #1 

In the smaller office the dreamlike work of Lorenzo D’Alba, in which two alien creatures find their natural habitat in empty space. In the larger office, the photographic series by Lidia Bianchi in which the memory of her father is mixed with Pierpaolo Pasolini’s thoughts on fireflies, a sign of the loss of an original nature, naivety, and amazement.

Lorenzo D'Alba
Lidia Bianchi

Lorenzo D’Alba Echinus and Lidia Bianchi Sono Tornate le Lucciole

These are just some of the installations of the exhibition that developed within all the rooms of the Funeral House. The inauguration took place between 25 and 28 March, exactly two years after the first lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which especially hit Bergamo and prevented many families from being able to greet their deceased with dignity. After two long years, Generali Onoranze Funebri and the Centro Funerario Bergamasco open a place, in the heart of the city, where death can find space and be included in life.