The explosion of interest in the OSB has also reached the new set-up of the just concluded shop windows for Tiziana Fausti. An extremely versatile material that has fascinated the luxury store even to become the characterizing element of design for the display windows and clothing sector for 0-12 children on the upper floor.

As a material that has always been used in the shipbuilding and construction sectors, the OSB has recently discovered a new success thanks to its particular texture. In fact, it consists of flakes of wood glued together with different orientation and it is certainly reckonable for its lively texture. Due to this characteristic, it distinguishes from chipboard panels by the larger size of the wood chips. Being a material with low economic cost and excellent technical performance, its traditional use relates to constructions. In fact, it has an excellent resistance to horizontal forces caused by wind and earthquakes. It therefore serves for bracing and in the stratifications of roofs. Besides, being available in panels of different sizes it has a particularly fast laying speeded. The reduced economic cost has favoured its wide use as with the similar chipboard’s one. Over the past few years, however, its aesthetic features have fascinated architects and interior designers who have increasingly incorporated it into their projects. The wide availability and the low cost, added to the speed of installation and the good resistance capacity, have meant the extrapolation of this material from its construction use to know new contexts. However, the increasing demand has sanctioned the growth of its sale cost. From a widely available economic element, he also began to know the retail sector with the consequently higher prices.

The OSB has also fascinated luxury retail, which has inserted the “new” material into its store as a characterizing element for aesthetics and practicality. An interpretation that extrapolated it from its industrial context to take on a more chic and refined connotation. Even the Tiziana Fausti luxury store in Bergamo has chosen this material for the set-up of the spring shop displays. It is the protagonist able to be recognized for style without however diverting attention to the products shown. The latter seem instead valued for shapes and colours, as if they naturally stood out among the visual uniformity of the background OSB. Volumes of different sizes constitute the basic unit, which, depending on aggregations or detachment, create the fundamental visual dynamism for each shop display. The use of covering panels also for the back walls and for the floor, creates suggestive plays of depth. But not only that, the concept of the project made in collaboration with the architectural studio Marco Costanzi Architects, has also involved the setting up of the children’s department on the upper floor. This flanks the corners of Dolce & Gabbana, Yves Saint Laurent, Chloè and Stella Mc Cartney (if you want to look around these corners and learn more about their structure click here). OBS panels also become the perfect backdrop for enhancing clothing for children 0-12 years, covering the back wall and creating dynamic shapes in the flooring. It also enrich the exhibition space with dynamic volumes. In this way, the room is characterised by a fresh and young imprint, with an industrial-chic impact that does not do without elegance and refinement. Consistently inserted, to give further suggestions of freshness and spontaneity, we also find some small citrus plants that give a touch of colour and naturalness.